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Instructions Manual
Section 01: What is Programming? Why should you care?
Understanding the significance of programming in your personal and professional life (5:55)
Working File
Section 02: Preparing your environment
Installing python on Windows/Linux/Mac (3:53)
Playing with pip and installing packages (5:30)
Playing with the python shell (11:57)
Choosing the right IDE/Code editor (10:50)
Writing your first python code and running it under different environments (8:05)
Quiz 02
Section 03: Beginning with Basics
0301 Dealing with variables and string (6:37)
0302 Numbers and different operators in python (2:41)
0302b Numbers and different operators in python (12:02)
0303 Introduction with important built-in types in python (5:48)
0303b Introduction with important built-in types in python (2:37)
0303c Introduction with important built-in types in python (4:33)
Quiz 003
Review our Course
Section 04: Logical and looping constructs
0401 Understanding logical operators and expressions (11:13)
0402 Making decisions through if-else clauses (9:17)
0403 Repeating or looping the decisions multiple times and stopinng them (7:38)
0404 Handling the errors and exceptions in the decisions. (8:50)
Quiz 004
Section 05: Dealing with functions
0501 Creating your first function (7:16)
0502 Understanding input parameters and return type in functions (5:03)
0503 Nesting functions (3:01)
0504 Calling functions from other function (6:25)
0505 Writing recursive functions (6:54)
Quiz 005
Section 06: Modules & Packages
0601 Organizing your code into modules and packages (9:55)
Quiz 006
Section 07: Dealing with file I/O in Python
0701 Dealing with your first file and using write operation (3:27)
0702 Reading from files and processing the text (3:30)
0703 Handling file errors (3:27)
0704 Exploring the OS package to play with paths and directories (7:47)
Quiz 007
Become a Data Analyst using Python Feedback
Section 008: What is Data Science
0801 What is data Science and what do data scientists do? (7:01)
0802 Why python for data analysis and other data related tasks? (4:42)
Section 009: Understanding RDBMS
0901 Introduction to RDBMS (6:16)
0902 Introduction to POSTGRESQL (5:03)
0903 Installing postgresql on different platforms (4:16)
0904 Playing with postgresql (4:08)
0904b Playing with postgresql (11:47)
0905 Dealing with postgresql using python (8:22)
0906 Case study (4:08)
Quiz 009
Case Study Solution (Downloadable link)
Section 010: What are the other data sources out there?
1001 Introduction with different data sources (8:42)
1002 Understanding JSON (1:28)
1003 Dealing with JSON using python (5:46)
1004 Understanding CSV (1:59)
1005 Dealing with CSV using python (5:13)
1006 Understanding XML (2:52)
1007 Dealing with XML using python (6:05)
1008 Understanding EXCEL (1:28)
1009 Dealing with EXCEL using python (7:49)
1010 Excel Processing 1 (4:10)
1011 Excel Processing 2 (5:00)
1012 Case study (2:54)
Quiz 010
Case Study Solution (Downloadable link)
Section 011: Dealing with Non-Relation database management systems
1101 Brief introduction to Big Data (4:38)
1102 What is NOSQL (2:43)
1103 MONGODB The first inrtoduction (3:29)
1104 Installing MONGODB on your platfrom (4:57)
1105 Getting down with MONGODB (6:45)
1106 Interacting with MONGODB with python using PYTMONGO (5:20)
Quiz 011
Section 012: Dealing with Web Data
1201 Understanding the WEB world Why would need data from web (4:51)
1202 What is Web Scraping (7:21)
1203 The Introduction to Requests and Beautiful Soup module (9:18)
1203b The Introduction to Requests and Beautiful Soup module (3:47)
1204 Creating a simple web sraper using python (5:29)
1205 Dealing with scraped data using NOSQL (3:30)
1206 Case study (3:12)
1207 Web Scraper Solution (4:03)
Quiz 012
Section 013: Data Analysis and Visualization
1301 What is Data Analysis? What are its applications? (6:30)
1302 Brief introduction to NUMPY and PANDAS (4:55)
1303 Playing with your Data Frame (4:02)
1304 Visualizing and understanding your scraped data. Getting down with MATPLOTLIB (5:42)
1305 Data Visualization Example (2:56)
1306 Case study (4:39)
Quiz 013
Case Study Solution (Downloadable link)
Section 014: Data Nitro
1401 What is EDA (Exploratory Data Analysis)? (4:15)
1402 Introduction to Data Nitro (3:15)
1403 Basic Operation of Data Nitro (4:17)
1404 Charts in Data Nitro (4:34)
1405 Data Nitro Example (2:54)
1406 Case study (2:40)
Quiz 014
Case Study Solution (Downloadable link)
Become a Data Analyst using Python Feedback
1010 Excel Processing 1
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